Iframe embed

Iframe embed

Koval UI provides a utility Iframe component which improves on top of default HTMLIFrameElement.


  • Responsive. Iframe respects parent element's size and collapses if needed. Developers have to provide width and height props required to render HTMLIFrameElement;
  • Flexible permissions config. Developers can use sandboxConfig and permissionsConfig props, which allow better modification than sandbox and allow html attributes. See below.


import {Iframe} from 'koval-ui';
/* Don't forget to memoize (useMemo) if you are declare this inside component */
const permissionsConfig = {
    accelerometer: true,
    autoplay: true,
    'clipboard-write': true,
    'encrypted-media': true,
    gyroscope: true,
    'picture-in-picture': true,
    'web-share': true,
const sandboxConfig = {
    'allow-downloads': true,
    'allow-downloads-without-user-activation': true,
    'allow-forms': true,
    'allow-modals': true,
    'allow-orientation-lock': true,
    'allow-pointer-lock': true,
    'allow-popups': true,
    'allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox': true,
    'allow-presentation': true,
    'allow-same-origin': true,
    'allow-scripts': true,
    'allow-storage-access-by-user-activation': true,
    'allow-top-navigation': true,
    'allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation': true,
    'allow-top-navigation-to-custom-protocols': true,
export default () => {
    return (
          title="YouTube video player"
          permissionsConfig={permissionsConfig} />


See Iframe playground and full props description at the Storybook page (opens in a new tab).

sandbox permissions

sandboxConfig property is responsible for managing the sandbox permissions (opens in a new tab). But instead of using flat string, Koval uses the config object.

type SandboxConfig = {
     * Allows downloading files through an <a> or <area> element with the download attribute,
     * as well as through the navigation that leads to a download of a file.
     * This works regardless of whether the user clicked on the link,
     * or JS code initiated it without user interaction.
    'allow-downloads'?: boolean;
     * Allows for downloads to occur without a gesture from the user.
    'allow-downloads-without-user-activation'?: boolean;
     * Allows the page to submit forms.
     * If this keyword is not used, the form will be displayed as normal,
     * but submitting it will not trigger input validation,
     * sending data to a web server or closing a dialog.
    'allow-forms'?: boolean;
     * Allows the page to open modal windows by Window.alert(),
     * Window.confirm(), Window.print() and Window.prompt(),
     * while opening a <dialog> is allowed regardless of this keyword.
     * It also allows the page to receive BeforeUnloadEvent event.
    'allow-modals'?: boolean;
     * Lets the resource lock the screen orientation.
    'allow-orientation-lock'?: boolean;
     * Allows the page to use the Pointer Lock API.
    'allow-pointer-lock'?: boolean;
     * Allows popups (like from Window.open(), target="_blank", Window.showModalDialog()).
     * If this keyword is not used, that functionality will silently fail.
    'allow-popups'?: boolean;
     * Allows a sandboxed document
     * to open a new browsing context without forcing the sandboxing flags upon it.
     * This will allow, for example, a third-party advertisement
     * to be safely sandboxed without forcing the same restrictions upon the page the ad links to.
     * If this flag is not included, a redirected page, popup window,
     * or new tab will be subject to the same sandbox restrictions as the originating <iframe>.
    'allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox'?: boolean;
     * Allows embedders to have control over whether an iframe can start a presentation session.
    'allow-presentation'?: boolean;
     * If this token is not used,
     * the resource is treated as being from a special origin that always fails the same-origin policy
     * (potentially preventing access to data storage/cookies and some JavaScript APIs).
    'allow-same-origin'?: boolean;
     * Allows the page to run scripts (but not create pop-up windows).
     * If this keyword is not used, this operation is not allowed.
    'allow-scripts'?: boolean;
     * Allows a document loaded in the <iframe>
     * to use the Storage Access API to request access to unpartitioned cookies.
    'allow-storage-access-by-user-activation'?: boolean;
     * Lets the resource navigate the top-level browsing context (the one named _top).
    'allow-top-navigation'?: boolean;
     * Lets the resource navigate the top-level browsing context, but only if initiated by a user gesture.
    'allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation'?: boolean;
     * Allows navigations to non-http protocols built into a browser or registered by a website.
     * This feature is also activated by allow-popups or allow-top-navigation keyword.
    'allow-top-navigation-to-custom-protocols'?: boolean;

allow permissions

permissionsConfig property is responsible for managing the permissions policy of the iframe (opens in a new tab). We also provide a config object for this.

We're extending on top of default allow attribute which expects configuration as a flat string. There are some keywords surrounded by quotes, though urls aren't. Semicolon used as delimiter

HTML attribute

    allow="geolocation 'self' https://a.example.com https://b.example.com; accelerometer *"

Koval config

Koval UI makes this config more jsx friendly and easier to read.

Each permission (opens in a new tab) is a config property with its own name. Developers can provide one or many values to each property.


See Iframe playground with all supported permissions here (opens in a new tab).

type Permission = `https://${string}` | 'self' | '*' | 'src' | 'none' | boolean;
export type PermissionsConfig = {
     * Controls whether the iframe is allowed
     * to gather information about the acceleration of the device through the Accelerometer interface.
     * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Permissions-Policy/accelerometer
    accelerometer?: Permission | Permission[];

Also, it is possible to set permissions as a boolean variable. It is an equivalent for <iframe allow="accelerometer" />.

<Iframe permissionsConfig={{accelerometer: true}} />