TypographyComponents & recipes

Typography components and recipes

Koval UI offers a suite of components designed to ensure typography consistency and harmony across various text elements, including paragraphs, headers, lists, numbers, and tables.


You can find all Koval typography components at the corresponding Storybook chapter.

Create a clean text flow


The Paragraph (P) component provides a uniform style based on the HTMLParagraphElement.

Import name

import {P} from 'koval-ui';


Paragraph demo


Koval UI supports six header sizes, from H1 to H6, allowing for flexible and consistent heading structures.

Import name

import {H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6} from 'koval-ui';


Headers demo

Inline elements

Koval UI provides consistent styling for various HTML inline elements, such as a, small, sup and so on.

Import names

import {A, Strong, Sup, Sub, Small, B, Mark, Ins, I, Em, Del, Kbd, Code, S} from 'koval-ui';


Inline elements demo


Three types of list formatting are available:

  • Ordered lists (Ol)
  • Unordered Lists (Ul)
  • Description Lists (Dl)

Import name and example

Each component is implemented as wrapper for HTMLLIElements.

import {Ol, Ul, Dl} from 'koval-ui';
const Ordered = () => (
        <li>Ordered item 1</li>
        <li>Ordered item 2</li>
        <li>Ordered item 3</li>
const Unordered = () => (
        <li>Unordered item 1</li>
        <li>Unordered item 2</li>
        <li>Unordered item 3</li>
const Description = () => (
        <dt>Item title 1</dt>
        <dd>Item description 1</dd>
        <dt>Item title 2</dt>
        <dd>Item description 2</dd>
        <dt>Item title 3</dt>
        <dd>Item description 3</dd>


Ordered list demo
Unordered list demo
Description list demo


A basic Table component is available, serving as a wrapper for standard HTML table elements such as tr, td, and others.


Import name

import {Table} from 'koval-ui';


Responsive table demo