

Koval UI supports theming colors, sizes and fonts via Provider component theme prop.

import type {FC} from 'react';
import {Provider} from 'koval-ui';
import {theme} from './theme';
export const App: FC = () => {
    return <Provider theme={theme}>{/*App code*/}</Provider>;

Available themes


Koval ships with two themes bundled: Podil (left) and Dnipro (right).

import type {FC} from 'react';
import {Provider, themeDnipro, themePodil} from 'koval-ui';
export const App: FC = () => {
    // Theme Podil is set by default.
    return <Provider theme={themeDnipro}>{/*App code*/}</Provider>;

Create custom theme

Set theme

Koval theme is Record containing various design tokens as key/value pairs. They are set via theme property of Koval Provider component. Library contains ThemeType export to help user validate their theme.

import type {FC} from 'react';
import type {ThemeType} from 'koval-ui';
import {Provider} from 'koval-ui';
export const theme: ThemeType = {
    // provide custom theme properties
export const App: FC = () => {
    return <Provider theme={theme}>{/*App code*/}</Provider>;

Consume theme

The theme will be used by Koval components and also available to user as set of CSS Variables.

.element {
    /* NB! --kg (Koval Global) prefix is added and kebab-case used instead of camelCase */
    color: var(--kg-color-do);

Brand colors

Koval uses 6 brand colors. 3 main and 3 alternative. Music note names are used to distinguish them.

import type {ThemeType} from 'koval-ui';
export const theme: ThemeType = {
     * First brand color. It is most visible in the theme.
     * Has to make a good contrast with background000 and background600
    colorDo: '#e3a075',
     * Second brand color. Darkest one. Has to make a good contrast with background000 and colorDo
    colorRe: '#61483a',
     * Third brand color. Lightest one. Has to make a good contrast with background600 and colorDo
    colorMi: '#ffdea6',
     * First alternative brand color. Used when needed to create an accented contrast with colorDo.
     * Has to make a good contrast with background000 and background600
    colorFa: '20b2aa',
     * Second alternative brand color. Darkest one.
     * Has to make a good contrast with background000 and colorFa
    colorSol: '#597480',
     * Third alternative brand color. Lightest one.
     * Has to make a good contrast with background600 and colorFa
    colorLa: '#99DFFF',


There are two font-families used: main and mono (for monospaced text).

import type {ThemeType} from 'koval-ui';
// NB! Random colors assigned. Not a real theme.
export const theme: ThemeType = {
     * Main font used by most components of library
    fontFamily: `-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial,
        "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"`,
     * Monospaced font used by <code> and <pre>
    fontFamilyMonospace: `"SF Mono", "Courier New", FreeMono, "Nimbus Mono PS", Cousine, monospace`,
     * Arbitrary text font size. Used by P element. Expected to be most readable
    fontSizeText: '16px',
     * Medium font size
    fontSizeMedium: '16px',
     * Large font size
    fontSizeLarge: '18px',
     * Small font size
    fontSizeSmall: '14px',
     * Default font weight. Expected to be most readable
    fontWeightNormal: 400,
     * Bolder font weight. Expected to look outstanding comparing to normal
    fontWeightBolder: 500,
     * Bold font weight. Expected to look outstanding comparing to bolder
    fontWeightBold: 600,
     * Default text color. Expected to be most readable
    textColor: '#111111',